A Postcard or post card is a rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended for writing and mailing without an Envelope and at a lower rate than a letter. Stamp collectors distinguish between postcards (which require a stamp) …
A Postcard or post card is a rectangular piece of thick paper or thin cardboard intended for writing and mailing without an Envelope and at a lower rate than a letter. Stamp collectors distinguish between postcards (which require a stamp) …
A Postmark is a postal marking made on a letter, package, Postcard or the like indicating the (more or less precise) date and time that the item was delivered into the care of the postal service. Modern postmarks are often …
Revenues are stamps representing the prepayment or payment of various taxes. Revenues are affixed to official documents and to merchandise. Some stamps, including many issues of the British Commonwealth, are inscribed “Postage and Revenue” and were available for either use. …
Stationery or Postal Stationery is stationery bearing imprinted stamps, as opposed to adhesive stamps. Postal Stationery includes postal cards, lettercards, stamped Envelopes, wrappers, Aerograms, telegraph cards, postal savings forms and similar government-produced items. The cost to the mailer is often …
Thematics is concerned with the collection of stamps or Covers relating to a specific topic. The topic is expanded by careful inquiry and is presented as a logical story. Download QR Code
Post mark applied by an intermediate post office between the place of origin and destination. Download QR Code
A Watermark is a recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears lighter when viewed by transmitted light (or darker when viewed by reflected light, atop a dark background). A watermark is very useful in the examination of paper because …