The Australian Philatelic Society Inc. > Philatelic Collections > Frequently Asked Questions / How do I sell my stamp collection?

Frequently Asked Questions / How do I sell my stamp collection?

The Australian Philatelic Society receives a number of requests concerning disposal of family or personal collections.

The answer to this question very much depends upon where you live.


If you reside in Victoria, perhaps you may like to contact Mr David Wood:

Phone Number

Mr Wood is an accredited member of this Society.


If in the Sydney region, then contact Millennium Philatelic Auctions:

Phone Number

Alternatively, you may like to check the Australian Philatelic Traders Association website at and determine the nearest dealer to you, make an appointment and discuss your strategies with the dealer.  Nevertheless, remember, dealers are dealers and you need to be prepared for their advice.  If you are not satisfied with this then perhaps, a local girl guide or boy scout troop may welcome them.

This advice is provided for information only.  All care has been taken with the content, however the Society accepts no responsibility whatsoever.


Posted in: Philatelic Collections

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