The Australian Philatelic Society Inc. > Membership > Frequently Asked Questions / What are the benefits of membership?

Frequently Asked Questions / What are the benefits of membership?

  1. A community of people who are knowledgeable in many aspects of postal history and philately and are keen to share their knowledge and expertise.
  2. Four issues of the Australian Journal of Philately each year.  All financial members receive our journal.  It offers members the opportunity to have original research published.
  3. A forum for showing your collections and receiving positive and friendly criticism aimed at improving displays for competitive showings.
  4. A forum for asking questions, showing items of interest and recent finds.
  5. Access to other members, both interstate and overseas.
  6. Access to the full range of Web site facilities including the complete version of the Australian Journal of Philately available for online viewing and download.

If you have any questions about membership of the Society, you can contact the Secretary here: Contact the Secretary


Posted in: Membership

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