These links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Australian Philatelic Society Inc. of any of the products, services or opinions of the organisation or individual.
The Australian Philatelic Society Inc. bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.
You will need to contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Featured Links
ABPS (Association of British Philatelic Societies)

The Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS) is the national organisation catering for the needs of collectors through the Federations and Societies and those interested in philately.
Australian Philatelic Federation

The APF website is the best place to keep up with all that organised philately has to offer from around Australia.
Australian Philatelic Societies
Philatelic Society of Canberra

The Philatelic Society of Canberra is one of Australia’s most active philatelic societies, celebrating 90 years of operation in November 2022.
Tasmanian Philatelic Society

The Tasmanian Philatelic Society has been providing a meeting place for people interested in all aspects of stamp collecting, postal history and related interests since 1900.
The Postal Stationery Society of Australia

The Postal Stationery Society of Australia seeks to encourage the collecting of postal stationery in Australia and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and discussion on postal stationery.
International Philatelic Societies
American Airmail Society

As aerophilatelists we collect many kinds of airmail. Here you can find 47 different categories that have appeared as Sections in the American Air Mail Catalogue from the 1st Edition in 1935 through the 7th Edition with the latest volume published in 2017.
American Philatelic Society

With members in more than 110 countries, the APS is the largest, non-profit organization for stamp collectors in the world. Founded in 1886, the APS serves collectors, educators, postal historians, and the general public by providing a wide variety of programs and services.
The British Society of Australian Philately (BSAP)

Welcome to the website of the British Society of Australian Philately. We cover all areas of Australian collecting, from the Colonies (States) to the present day and all the disciplines: Stamps, Postal History, Aerophilately, Postal Stationery, Revenues, Cinderellas and Postcards.
The National Philatelic Society

The National Philatelic Society is one of the largest general philatelic societies in Great Britain whose members are drawn from throughout the UK and Overseas.
The Royal Philatelic Society London

Welcome to the Royal Philatelic Society London, the oldest philatelic Society in the world, established in 1869 as The Philatelic Society, London.
Stamp Collecting Links
8 Things to Consider When Collecting Stamps

Back in 1840, when the first postage stamp appeared in Britain, chances are no one would have guessed that stamps would become a collector’s item. Today, more than 5 million people in the U.S. alone collect, preserve, and trade or sell stamps.
Glossary of Philatelic Terms

This glossary defines nearly 300 terms frequently encountered by stamp collectors and cover collectors. Precise definitions for many philatelic terms do not exist.
Guide to Stamp Collecting

Stamp collecting is fun and anyone can do it! If someone likes sports, they can collect stamps about sports. If they like history, they can choose to collect stamps that are all about history. While there are many hobbies to choose from, stamp collecting is one that lets the collector to collect the kind of stamps they like the best. There are stamps from around the world and stamp collecting can help us learn all about different places. There are many reasons stamp collectors love this hobby. Stamps can be collected all year round and from anywhere.
Hobbying at Home: The Ultimate Guide to Stamp Collecting

Thinking about stamp collecting as a hobby? Be careful; many novice stamp collectors quickly become addicted. That’s because stamp collecting combines art, history, sociology and culture—not to mention it can be a sound financial investment. Stamp collecting can be a solo hobby you do to relax or one you share with a close friend or family member. It’s a hobby you can pass on to a child or a grandchild.
How Should I Store and Display My Stamps?

Once you have decided what to collect, and what you need to get started down the path of collecting, you have to decide how you will store and display your stamps.
How to Care for a Stamp Collection

Stamps are used all over the world to send parcels and letters. In addition to their distinct functionality, stamps also make popular collector’s items. Due to their historical value and the plethora of art/design options available, many people have taken up philately (stamp collecting) as a hobby. Philately refers to the study of postal history, stamps, and other related items. As a stamp collector, it is crucial to take proper care of your aging stamp collection. Since a stamp is inherently just a small piece of paper, it is very fragile and often quite challenging to keep in mint condition. Here are some steps you can take to minimize the chances of your collection being damaged.
The Origin and History of Postcards

Postcards are pieces of paper or cardboard designed to be sent through the mail without envelopes. They're a quick way of sharing an experience with a loved one who wasn't able to be there in person. Postcards were invented in the 19th century. Since the appearance of Instagram and Snapchat, postcards have lost popularity, but collectors still enjoy finding rare postcards and compiling postcard collections.
Topical stamp collecting: How to start thematic philately

How to start thematic philately. Creative tips in assembling a topical postage stamp collection.
Useful Links
A Beginner’s Resource Guide to Philately

Philately is the study of stamps, and often, the word is also used to describe the hobby of stamp collecting. Studying and collecting stamps have been popular since the late 19th century, when stamps began to be issued en masse. The printing and release of new stamps occurs consistently, so there are always new stamps to study and collect.
Australia Post

Over our long history, our social purpose and commitment to the community has remained the same; to create connections and opportunities that matter to every Australian.
Glossary of Philatelic Terms

This glossary defines nearly 300 terms frequently encountered by stamp collectors and cover collectors. Precise definitions for many philatelic terms do not exist.
Home Hobbies: Stamp Collecting

If you are looking for a hobby that is easy to pursue from home, stamp collecting might be a good activity. Stamp collectors can approach this hobby in many different ways. Some collectors choose to use a general approach and gather as many different kinds of stamps as possible. Other collectors decide to specialize in certain areas, and they only collect particular stamps, such as stamps from certain periods or about certain subjects. You can spend as much or as little time and money stamp collecting as you wish. Once you start adding stamps to your collection, you will need a place to store them. Many collectors place stamps in special albums or binders with plastic pages and pockets for displaying them.
The Origin and History of Postcards

Postcards are pieces of paper or cardboard designed to be sent through the mail without envelopes. They're a quick way of sharing an experience with a loved one who wasn't able to be there in person. Postcards were invented in the 19th century. Since the appearance of Instagram and Snapchat, postcards have lost popularity, but collectors still enjoy finding rare postcards and compiling postcard collections.
Who Invented Postcards?

A lot of historians attribute the invention of the first picture postcard to Theodore Hook, a writer and practical joker, who sent the card in 1840. But the story and circumstances surrounding this is actually much more interesting than just the name and date.
British Commonwealth Postmarks

British Commonwealth Postmarks.
Auction Sites
EBay America

EBay America.
EBay Australia

EBay Australia.
Tasmanian Stamp Auctions

As the name suggests, Tasmanian Stamp Auctions specialises in philatelic auctions but we do have a large amount of Australian and worldwide material suitable for direct sale.
Classic Philately – Till Neumann

Till Neumann - Expert for rare stamps and covers.

Welcome to the DanTheStampMan eBay Auction Preview Site.
Find Your Stamp’s Value was launched in 2001. Our mission is to make information about the cost of stamps accessible for everyone, even if they do not have a special l<nowledge of philately, and to be more convenient for professional collectors than traditional catalogues.
Garbriele’s Philatelic Service

Gabriele’s Philatelic Service is Australia’s premier dealer in fine Australian, Commonwealth and world stamps and stamp collections.


Philatino defines its activity as an interactive Internet portal for professional stamp auctioneers.
Sydney Philatelics

Welcome to Sydney Philatelics, (Grahame Fudge - Mail Orders Stamp Dealers and Traders in Fine Stamps).
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