The Australian Philatelic Society Inc. > Register (OLD)

Register (OLD)

  • If you wish to become a Registered User of this web site, please complete the form below.
  • When you choose a Username, you may wish to use your email address or the first part of your email address so that you have a Username which is easy to remember.
  • After you submit your registration form, an administrator will review your request.
  • Your registration will only be approved if the administrators are convinced that you have a genuine interest in the activities of the Australian Philatelic Society.
  • You must enter a genuine First Name and Last Name, otherwise your request for registration will be rejected.
  • You may be asked for additional information by email before your registration can be approved.
  • If your registration is approved, the system will generate a web site Password and send it to you by email.
  • Your web site Password is a system-generated password.  It is an initial password only.
  • When you receive the email with your web site Username and Password, you should login to the web site and then change your Password to something meaningful to you.
  • We recommend that you copy-and-paste your Username and Password into the login form.  This will avoid the possibility of typing errors if you re-key these items.

At the bottom of the form you will find a CAPTCHA test.  This is a security measure to verify that that you are a real person and not a computer pretending to be a person.  Please tick the box to indicate that you are not a robot.

New User Registration
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